Mental health problems are common – but nearly nine out of 10 people who experience them say they face stigma and discrimination as a result. This can be even worse than the symptoms themselves. Time to Change is England’s biggest programme to challenge mental health stigma and discrimination.

At Ticketmaster we’re on a mission to try and end that stigma.


Employees have been taking quick selfies with a Post-It on their face reading #itaffectsme and sharing them on the newly created #itaffectsme Slack group.


Mental health issues affect us all, whether personally or through loved ones. The fact is it’s going to affect at least one in four of us this year. The selfie is to stop people feeling the need to hide, or be embarrassed by it, to show a united front and to express the universality of these illnesses. It may then start creating conversations around mental health issues and show just how prevalent they are. Mental health has no prejudices about who it affects, so we should have no prejudices about it.

So let’s join all together in breaking the stigma associated with mental health.

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