In our series, ‘Leading in Live Entertainment,’ Ticketmaster proudly showcases women making strides in the industry to celebrate Women’s History Month. Today, meet Elise Gedge, Programmer and Events Manager at Epic Studios. Gain valuable insights on stepping into the Live Entertainment Industry post-graduation, sticking to your personal ambitions, and doing what you are passionate about.

How did you get started in live entertainment?

I was lucky! I decided during college that the only thing I was interested in was music, and I wasn’t the creative type, so I decided to do a degree in Music Industry Management in London. After completing my degree, I applied for internships and junior roles in London, but I wasn’t successful, partly due to not being able to afford to work for free! I headed back to Norwich and applied for an admin role at Epic Studios, and 5 years later I am working here as Programmer and Events Manager.”

What advice would you give to young women who want to enter the entertainment industry?

Don’t give up. It can feel quite disheartening being rejected from roles, especially when you’ve just completed a degree for that career. When I first finished, I was applying for roles at all the major companies in the industry, and the competition was obviously quite high. Try to find smaller established companies that you feel have the same ethos as yourself and apply for those. The major companies may have the biggest shows, artists etc. but it is just as rewarding to work within a company where the team share the same passion for shows week in, week out.”

What advice would you give someone just starting out in the industry?

Listen and learn as much as you can from your peers in the industry. The people who have been in the industry the longest have a lot of tools and skills to learn from. Don’t be afraid to ask them questions, I’ve learnt most of my skills by asking my colleagues questions about how and why certain tasks are completed the way they are, and I’ve truly learnt most of my skills on the job. Networking is a key player in the industry as it’s a great way to meet other like-minded individuals in your sector as well as build up your confidence in the industry.”

What main change would you like to see for young girls in the next generation?

More females in the live music industry! Technical teams at music venues are male dominated which may then be daunting for young girls to want to apply for those types of roles, but if you have a passion for it, go for it! I think it would be great to see more networking opportunities for young females specifically, or even just a space where the next generation can learn about the roles that the industry has to offer, as there are so many different sectors to the industry and there really are roles for everyone.”

How would you like to contribute to the evolution of the live entertainment industry and what impact do you hope to leave behind as your legacy?

I hope to show young females that the music industry, specifically the live music industry isn’t just a man’s world, and us girls are bloody good at it! I’d love to leave behind a legacy of helping young individuals make their first step into the industry, whether it be through working in venues or performing at venues.”

What did you dream of doing when you were younger?

I was unsure of what I wanted to do until I was a teenager, and by this point music was a huge part of my life. I always wanted to work at a Record Label, as I was interested in how new bands were signed, recorded, and then released. I went for roles at Labels, but they didn’t work out and now I couldn’t be happier to be surrounded by live music every week. You can’t quite beat that feeling and atmosphere for a live show.”

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